Soldier Casualties Of The 4th USCI

Image Courtesy of the Library of Congress
“Got Used Up:” Casualties for the 4th USCI at the Battle of New Market Heights
Although he amazingly survived the Battle of New Market Heights unscathed, Sgt. Maj. Christian A. Fleetwood recorded his impression of the 4th United States Colored Infantry’s experience on September 29, 1864, in his pocket diary. Brief and to the point, it accurately summed things up in a short phrase: “got used up.”
It is not surprising that the 4th USCI sustained significant casualties since they led the charge at New Market Heights. However, the totals they suffered provide telling testimony to the bravery displayed by the men of the 4th that day.
A thorough search through the Compiled Military Service Records (CMSR) for all of the regiment’s soldiers helped total the heavy price the 4th USCI paid at New Market Heights. The numbers discovered are: 27 men killed in action, four missing in action but presumed dead, 23 fatally wounded, and 97 wounded but who survived. Of course, as the list below starkly shows, many of the wounded who lived had their lives forever changed by their New Market Heights injuries.
The totals that I found differ somewhat from what Edward G. Longacre shares in his book, A Regiment of Slaves: The 4th United States Colored Infantry, 1863-1866. His figures are 27 killed, 137 wounded, and 14 missing.

Killed in Action:
Pvt. Joseph H. Bantum, Co. G, 18, Talbot Co.; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Robert A. Bantum, Co. H, 26, Traptown, MD; Baltimore, MD
Sgt. Cyrus Boley, Co. E, 27, Dorchester Co., MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Harrison Cooper, Co. H, 33, Traptown, MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. William K. Dockins, Co. I, 22, Cambridge, MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Henry Dunson, Co. H, 23, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD
Corp. John H. Dyson, Co. G, 19, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Alfred Ennels, Co. C, 25, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD
1st Sgt. Isaac Harrol, Co. E, 25, Nansemond, VA; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. William H. Holloway, Co. I, 27, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Joshua James, Co. C, 22, Harford Co., MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Hanson C. Key, Co. F, 26, Frederick Co., MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Charles Marr, Co. H, 18, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Benjamin Matthews, Co. F, 21, Frederick Co., MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Henry Mays, Co. A, 20, Eastern Shore, MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Thomas Henry Mitchell, Co. E, 23, Cambridge, MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Thomas Mooney, Co. C, 20, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD
Corp. John R. Newman, Co. I, 23, Caroline Co., MD; Baltimore, MD
Corp. Andrew Nichols, Co. K, 25, Frederick Co., MD; Baltimore, MD
1st Sgt. Augustus A. Norton, Co. F, 25, Harford Co., MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. William Patterson, Co. E., 25, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Richard Savoy, Co. A, 21, Queen Anne Co., MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Eli W. Smith, Co. B, 20, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD
Sgt. Allen Toop, Co. F, 21, Carroll Co., MD; Baltimore, MD
Corp. Henry Travis, Co. C, 27, Henry Co., VA; Baltimore, MD
Capt. Samuel W. Vannuys, Co. E, 24, Johnson Co. Indiana; origionally served in 7th Indiana Inf. then appointed 2nd Lt in 4th USCI
Pvt. John Dorsey Watts, Co. B, 22, Clear Spring, MD; Baltimore, MD
Fatally Wounded:
Pvt. John Bantum, Co. H, 24, Talbot Co.; MD; Baltimore, MD; died on 10-4-1864 after amputation of left leg at thigh
Corp. Elhanan Buie, Co. G, 20, Frederick Co., MD; Baltimore, MD; died on 10-24-1864 from gunshot wound to left ilium (pelvis hip bone)
Sgt. Levin J. Camper, Co. D, 25, Dorchester Co., MD; Baltimore, MD; died on 10-27-1864 from amputation of leg and chronic diarrhea
Pvt. Augustus Cook, H, 23, Carroll Co., MD; Baltimore, MD; died on 10-27-1864 from wounds received in action
Sgt. Isaac Cook, Co. C, 24, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD; died on 10-16-1864 from amputation of left leg
Pvt. John Cook, Co. H, 24, Carroll, Co., MD; Baltimore, MD; died on 9-30-1864 on board hospital transport steamer Matilda
Pvt. Thomas Cornish, Co. K, 19, Eastern Shore, MD; Baltimore, MD; died on 10-16-1864 from gunshot wound of left shoulder
Corp. James Dawson, Co. A, 20, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD; died on 10-1-1864 at Point of Rocks Hospital from wounds received at New Market Heights
1st Sgt. Nathaniel W. Dorsey, Co. B, 26, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD; died on 10-29-1864 at Point of Rocks Hospital from gunshot wound to left leg
Pvt. Henry Dutton, Co. C, 38, Carroll Co., MD; Baltimore, MD; died on 10-18-1864 from gunshot wound perforating right lung
Sgt. Alfred B. Hilton, Co. H, 21, Harford Co., MD; Baltimore, MD; died on 10-21, 1864 from amputation at right knee joint; Medal of Honor recipient
Pvt. Henry Jackson, Co. E, 21, Cambridge, MD; Baltimore, MD, died on 10-11-1864 from amputation of left arm and left thigh
Pvt. John H. Maybury, Co. G, 24, Frederick, MD; Baltimore, MD; died on 10-3-1864 from gunshot wound through breast
Corp. Risdon Newman, Co. C, 45, Eastern Shore, MD; Baltimore, MD; died on board hospital transport steamer Matilda on 9-30-1864 from severe wounds received at New Market Heights
Corp. Robert Parker, Co. H, 22, Dorchester Co., MD; Baltimore, MD; died on 10-30-1864 from gunshot wound fracture of right radius, gunshot wound to flesh of right thigh, gunshot wound to right knee, and gunshot wound to flesh of back; noted cause of death is pneumonia
Pvt. James Reynolds, Co. F, 18, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD; died on 4-18-1865 from gunshot wounds received at New Market Heights
Pvt. William Richfield, Co. B, 25, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD; died on 10-3-1865 on board hospital steamer Thomas Powell
Corp. Levin Robinson, Co. E, 27, Cambridge, MD; Baltimore, MD; died on 11-14-1864
Pvt. William Seafers, Co. H, 38, Dorchester, MD; Baltimore, MD; died on 10-19-1864 from gunshot wound to left leg
Pvt. Samuel Smith, Co. B, 28, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD; died on 10-11-1864 from gunshot wound to right thigh
Pvt. William Tripp, Co. G, 28, Talbot Co., MD; Baltimore, MD; died 10-24-1864 from wounds received at Battle of New Market Heights
Pvt. Richard Varney, Co. K, 21, Talbot Co., MD; Baltimore, MD; died 10-6-1864 from wounds to head, right arm, and side
Pvt. Henry Watson, Co. B, 22, Lynchburg, VA; Baltimore, MD; died 11-9-1864 from amputation of right thigh
Missing in Action
Pvt. John Camper, Co. I, 18, Dorchester Co., MD; Baltimore, MD (presumed killed)
Pvt. Richard Smith, Co. D, 25, Dorchester, MD; Baltimore, MD (presumed killed)
Corp. Joseph Snavely, Co. I, 19, Frederick Co., MD; Baltimore, MD (presumed killed)
Pvt. Theodore Williams, Co. I, 19, Clarktown, MD; Baltimore, MD
Wounded Survived
Col. Samuel A. Duncan, wounded in right ankle (commanding brigade)
Wounded Survived – Co. A
Pvt. John H. Bailey, 23, Eastern Shore, MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Edward Budd, 38, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Benjamin Scott, 18, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. James Shields, 23, Baltimore Co., MD; Baltimore, MD
Sgt. John R. Warren, 26, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 4-1-1865 on surgeon’s certificate from wounds received at New Market Heights
Corp. Alexander Watts, 19, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. George Williams, 19, Accomack Co., MD [VA?]; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 6-26-1865
Wounded Survived – Co. B
Pvt. David Bedford, 22, Charles, MD; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 9-23-1865 from gunshot wound of left humerus
Pvt. William F. Bordley, 18, Talbot Co., MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Nathaniel Brooks, 17, Cumberland, MD; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 6-24-1865 from amputation of left forearm due to gunshot wound
Pvt. Raleigh Butler, 21, Cumberland, VA; Baltimore, MD
Corp. Alexander Cassell, 20, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. William Green, 19, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD; later died of disease
Pvt. James Johnson, 19, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD; died 1-18-1865 of disease
Pvt. William H. Morgan, 28, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. James F. Price, 18, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Ephraim Smith, 19, Mt. Airy, MD; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 7-19-1865 from amputation of right thigh at lower third
Corp. James R. Thompson, 19, Williamsport, MD; Baltimore, MD
Wounded Survived – Co. C
Corp. George Bond, 24, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 5-30-1865 from gunshot wound to right hip
Pvt. Daniel C. Bordley, 22, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Eli Fickle, 42, Frederick, MD; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 6-23-1865 at Fort Monroe from wounds received on September 29, 1864
Pvt. Charles Griffin, 39, New Orleans, LA; Baltimore, MD
Sgt. George Hutchings, 30, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD
Sgt. William E. Matthews, 27, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 6-25-1865 due to complications from New Market Heights wound
Pvt. William Miles, 35, not listed; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 5-3-1865
Pvt. Murray C. D. Palmer, 36, Caroline Co., MD; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 6-26-1865
Pvt. John H. Pinckney, 22, Talbot Co., MD; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 3-20-1865 from amputation of right thigh at upper third
Pvt. John C. Robinson, 25, Frederick, MD; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 1-12-1866 from gunshot wound of thorax at right side
Pvt. Samuel Sharp, 18, Eastern Shore, MD; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 4-4-1865
Pvt. Philip Waters, 25, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 4-14-1865
Pvt. Robert Wilson, 20, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD
Wounded Survived – Co. D
Pvt. Thomas Bell, 16, Dorchester Co., MD; Chillicothe, OH
Pvt. Jacob Cloyd, 19, South Hampton, MD; Baltimore, MD
Corp. Charles J. Jackson, 25, Dorchester Co., MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. John H. Johnson, 17, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD
Corp. William Stiles, 21, Dorchester Co., MD; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 6-26-1865 from gunshot wound of right thigh
Pvt. Charles Thompson, 17, Hardy Co., (West) VA; Baltimore, MD; discharged 6-26-1865
Wounded Survived – Co. E
Pvt. Isaiah Camper, 31, New Market, MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Henry W. Dorsey, 20, New Williamsport, MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Isiah Fisher, 20, Eastern Shore, MD; Baltimore, MD
Sgt. Jacob Henry, 25, Cambridge, MD; Baltimore, MD
2nd Lt. James Murray Hoag, disability discharge 4-18-1865 from wounds to right shoulder and amputation of left arm above elbow
Pvt. John D. Jackson, 18, Cambridge, MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Abram Lincoln, 23, Ann Arundel, MD; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 2-8-1866 from gunshot wound to right hand fracturing and carrying away almost the entire metacarpal bones
Sgt. Garrison Nichols, 25, Dorchester, MD; Baltimore, MD; loss of left leg from wound at New Market Heights
1st Lt. Thomas H. Price, wounded in left hand
Pvt. John T. Robinson, 23, Cambridge, MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. James Slaughter, 20, Talbot Co., MD; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 1-27-1865 from amputation at lower third of left thigh
Wounded Survived – Co. F
Pvt. John Q. Adams, 26, Hartford Co., MD; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 11-10-1865 from amputation of left arm at shoulder joint
Sgt. Joseph Baker, 24, Carroll Co., MD; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 6-26-1865 on account of wounds received on September 29, 1864
Pvt. Charles Fantis, 28, Princess Anne Co., VA; Baltimore, MD; discharged 6-26-1865 due to severe wounds received on September 29, 1864
Pvt. Benjamin Harp, 23, Frederick Co., MD; Baltimore, MD
Corp. John F. Johnson, 28, Buckingham Co., VA; Baltimore, MD
Sgt. Charles Linghams, 28, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Thomas Thornton, 28, Fairfield, NC; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 5-30-1865 from gunshot wound fracturing right tibia
Wounded Survived – Co. G
Pvt. Solomon Camfer, 19, Talbot Co., MD; Baltimore, MD
Corp. Joshua Chew, 21, Talbot Co., MD; Baltimore, MD
Corp. William Demby, 19, Queen Anne Co., MD; Baltimore, MD; later wounded at Fort Fisher, NC and died 3-3-1865 from those wounds
Pvt. James W. Dixon, 28, Dorchester Co., MD; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge on unknown date
Pvt. Jacob Gibson, 22, Dorchester Co., MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. John H. James, 20, Dorchester Co., MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Jacob Juricks, 22, Frederick, MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Dennis Linthicum, 24, Dorchester Co., MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Henry Preston, 19, Harford Co., MD; Baltimore, MD
Sgt. Alfred B. Roberts, 24, Frederick Co., MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Henry Stewart, 20, Dorchester Co., MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Charles H. Winchester, 21, Baltimore Co., MD; Baltimore, MD
Wounded Survived – Co. H
Sgt. William Grafton Buie, 25, Frederick Co., MD; Baltimore, MD
Corp. Joseph Haynes, 22, Harford Co., MD; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 1-20-1865 from gunshot wound of right thigh
Pvt. Joshua Johnson, 27, Frederick, MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. William Jones, 22, Carroll Co., MD; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 5-5-1865 from gunshot wounds to both arms
Pvt. Perry H. Kirby, 27, Queen Anne Co., MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Nathan Smith, 26, Frederick Co., MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Daniel White, 27, Frederick Co., MD; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 6-24-1865 from gunshot wound to right humerus
Wounded Survived – Co. I
Pvt. Israel Banks, 21, Dorchester Co., MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Lewis Cook, 32, Caroline Co., MD; Baltimore, MD
2nd Lt. W. Watson Gillingham, resigned due to surgeon’s disability from gunshot wound of right hip and right arm
Pvt. Jacob Green, 22, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD
Corp. John Robert Jones, 22, Port Tobacco, MD; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 10-15-1865 from amputation at left forearm
Pvt. George Seymour, 18, Dorchester, MD; Baltimore, MD; gunshot wound of left hip (slight)
Pvt. Richard Smith, 23, Dorchester, MD; Baltimore, MD
1st Lt. Daniel W. Spicer, 20, disability discharge 5-15-1865 from gunshot wound to right thigh
Pvt. William H. Wheatley, 41, Cambridge, MD; Baltimore, MD
Wounded Survived – Co. K
Pvt. Henry Antony, 19, Queen Anne Co., MD; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 7-27-1865 from severe gunshot perforating wound of left hand resulting in amputation of index finger
Pvt. Samuel Bentley, 23, Clear Springs, MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. John Bowie, 18, Frederick, MD; Baltimore, MD
Sgt. Grafton Crosley, 27, New Market, MD; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 4-4-1865 from gunshot wound to right shoulder
Pvt. Jacob Gibson, 21, Talbot Co., MD; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 6-26-1865 from gunshot wound received on September 29, 1864
Pvt. Alexander Gross, 20, Prince George, MD; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. John Gustave, 22, Eastern Shore, MD; Baltimore, MD; died 10-9-1864 of typhoid fever
Pvt. John N. Harris, 18, Frederick Co., MD; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 8-17-1865 from disease brought on from gunshot wound to right arm received in action
Corp. Phillip Hooper, 24, New York, NY; Baltimore, MD
Sgt. Henry Johnson, 22, Athens, OH; Baltimore, MD
Pvt. Basil Pam, 35, Frederick Co., MD; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 6-26-1865
Pvt. Matthew Roberts, 22, Eastern Shore, MD; Baltimore, MD; disability discharge 2-26-1866
Pvt. John Thompson, 18, Baltimore, MD; Baltimore, MD
This list was not produced in attempt to sensationalize the pain these men suffered, but rather to acknowledge the sacrifices they were willing to endure to ensure the death of slavery, show themselves men and worthy of citizenship and thus the guarantees of the Constitution, and maintain the Union of the states. In addition, hopefully this enumeration helps descendants make connections with their soldier ancestors. Courageously done, men of the 4th!