Soldier Casualties Of The 38th USCI
Some historians have argued that the Confederate defenders fell back from their position along New Market Heights after receiving orders to regroup nearer to Richmond. In fact, Richard J. Sommers in his book Richmond Redeemed: The Siege at Petersburg on page 38 writes: “Far from overwhelming a determined foe, [Col. Alonzo] Draper [commanding the 5th, 36th, and 38th USCI regiments] in effect charged into a virtually abandoned position and simply chased off a small rear guard from a position already conceded to him.” If the 5th, 36th, and 38th “in effect charged into a virtually abandoned position,” who inflicted the high number of causalities on those regiments? The 38th United States Colored Infantry, the last of the brigade’s three regiments to enter the fray, would have according to Sommers’s reasoning, received few casualties, but in truth they suffered 21 men killed in action, 12 fatally wounded, and 75 wounded but survived. There had to be more than just a “weak rear guard of cavalry and infantry” left defending the earthworks firing the rounds and inflicting those serious causality numbers.
Searching through the 38th USCI’s soldiers’ compiled service records, I was able to gather the following list of the men killed in action, fatally wounded, and those wounded who survived. I have included their rank, name, company, age at enlistment, place of birth, place of enlistment, and any additional information provided from their service records.

Killed in Action:
Pvt. Moses Benjamin Armstrong, Co. D, 21, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Great Mills, MD
Pvt. Frank Cole, Co. C, 23, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Leonardtown, MD
Pvt. Major Cole, Co. C, 36, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Norfolk, VA
Pvt. Powell Fountain, Co. C, 28, Prince George Co., VA; Princess Anne Co., VA
Corp. Thomas Gouldsburg, Co. F, 25, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Milestown, MD
Sgt. John Grinnell, Co. E, 26, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Leonardtown, MD
Pvt. Isaac Harris, Co. G, 25, Hanover Co., VA; Bermuda Hundred, VA
Corp. Samuel Harris, Co. E, 21, Toronto, Canada West; Portsmouth, VA
Pvt. Samuel Hopper, Co. C., 20, Norfolk Co., VA; Norfolk, VA
Pvt. Hillery Jerdan, Co. B, 22, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Great Mills, MD
Pvt. James Lewis Martin, Co. D, 25, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Clifton Factory, MD
Pvt. Nehemiah Merrick, Co. D, 28, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Plowden’s Wharf, MD
2nd Lt. William W. Moore, Co. C, 23, Ontario Co., NY; Norfolk, VA
Pvt. George C. Shorter, Co. F, 22, St. Mary’s County, MD; Leonardtown, MD
Pvt. Samuel Statesman, Co. B, 34, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Great Mills, MD
Pvt. Toney Taylor, Co. D, 27, Greene Co., NC; New Bern, NC
Pvt. Samuel Thompson, Co. E, 20, St. Mary’s Co., MD; St. Mary’s Co., MD
Pvt. George Vine, Co. E, 24, Edgecombe Co., NC; Washington, D.C.
Pvt. George Washington, Co. E, 18, Mathews Co., VA; New Market, VA
Pvt. Benjamin Willis, Co. D, 25, Craven Co., NC; New Bern, NC
Pvt. Ned Young, Co. B, 38, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Great Mills, MD
Fatally Wounded:
Pvt. Richard Armstrong, Co. A, 17, Norfolk Co., VA; Norfolk, VA; died 10-31-64 at Summit House Hospital (Philadelphia) from gunshot wound to right hand and complications of wound to right thigh which caused fracture of femur
Pvt. Lewis A. Ball, Co. G, 21, North Morristown, NC; Norfolk, VA; died 11-9-64 at Point of Rocks Hospital from gunshot wounds
Pvt. Pompey Cotton, Co. D, 24, Martin Co., NC; New Bern, NC; died 10-3-64 from gunshot wounds received in action that perforated right axilla, passed through thorax and perforated lung
Pvt. James Francis, Co. B, 25, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Piney Point, MD; died 10-12-64 from gunshot wound to left eye
Pvt. John Henry Gough, Co. D, 20, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Great Mills, MD; died 10-4-64 from gunshot wound to shoulder
Pvt. Thomas Gough, Co. F, 22, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Leonardtown, MD; died 10-17-64 from gunshot wound of right lung and amputation of right arm
Pvt. Robert Gross, Co. B, 20, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Great Mills, MD; died 10-21-64 from gunshot wound to right thigh
Pvt. Thomas Gryce, Co. E, 23, Washington, NC; Washington, D.C.; died 3-21-65 from gunshot wound to right thigh resulting in amputation
Pvt. James Harris, Co. A, 18, Princess Anne Co., VA; Norfolk, VA; died 10-24-34 from gunshot wound to left knee
Pvt. John Miles, Co. B, 29, St. Mary’s County, MD; Great Mills, MD; died 12-11-64 from gunshot wound to right tibia
Pvt. Alexander Soil, Co. F, 24, Richmond, VA; Point Lookout, MA; died 10-10-64 from gunshot wound
Pvt. Jesse Williamson, Co. G, 20, Hertford Co., NC; Norfolk, VA; died 10-3-64 from gunshot wound in chest
Wounded Survived – Co. A
Pvt. Joshua Brocket, 46, Currituck Co., NC; Norfolk, VA; disability discharge 3-28-65 from gunshot to left arm, amputation to lower third
Pvt. Jack Brown, 24, Norfolk Co., VA; Norfolk, VA
Pvt. William Denna, 43, Princess Ann Co., VA; Norfolk, VA
Pvt. Wilson Fulford, 26, Norfolk Co., VA; Norfolk, VA
Corp. Moses Massenburg, 26, Norfolk Co., VA; Norfolk, VA; disability discharge 5-13-65 from gunshot wound to right shoulder blade
Pvt. Samuel Mitchell, 35, Hertford Co., NC, Norfolk, VA; disability discharge 5-7-65 from gunshot wound of right shoulder
Pvt. James Owes, 27, Camden Co., NC; Norfolk, VA
Sgt. Mathias Rogers, 22, Suffolk Co., VA; Norfolk, VA; disability discharge 4-1-65 from gunshot wound to right elbow joint
Pvt. Albert Slack, 44, Currituck Co., NC; Norfolk, VA
Pvt. John W. Smith, 24, Nansemond Co., VA; Norfolk, VA; disability discharge 6-27-65 from deafness the result of a gunshot fracture of the right temporal bone
Corp. George Walk, 38, Norfolk Co., VA; Norfolk, VA
Pvt. Moses White, 20, Hertford Co., NC; Norfolk, VA; disability discharge 5-13-65 from gunshot wound to both thighs
Pvt. Samuel White, 45, Princess Anne Co., VA; Norfolk, VA
Pvt. Owen Williams, 19, Princess Anne Co., VA; Norfolk, VA; disability discharge 5-27-65 from gunshot wound to face fracturing inferior maxilla (cheek) bones
Wounded Survived – Co. B
Pvt. David Bennett, 23, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Great Mills, MD
Pvt. James Bisco, 25, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Great Mils, MD
Pvt. Guy Fenwick, 32, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Great Mills, MD
Pvt. Cornelius Garner, 18, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Great Mills, MD
Pvt. James H. Harris, 36, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Great Mills, MD; Medal of Honor recipient
Pvt. Clement Hayden, 44, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Piney Point, MD
Pvt. Thomas Jones, 36, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Piney Point, MD; disability discharge 5-3-65
Pvt. William Morgan, 21, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Piney Point, MD
Pvt. Jesse Styles, 26, Perquimans Co., NC; Norfolk, VA; disability discharge 1-22-66 from gunshot wound to left wrist
Wounded Survived – Co. C
Pvt. William Henry Barnes, 23, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Norfolk, VA; received the Medal of Honor
Pvt. Samuel Bright, 26, Currituck Co., NC; Norfolk, VA
Corp. Charles Ferrebee, 28, Currituck, Co., NC; Norfolk, VA; disability discharge 8-26-65 from loss of left arm by amputation two inches below elbow joint
Corp. Richard Godfrey, 18, Edenton, NC; Norfolk, VA
Pvt. John F. Gordon, 21, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Norfolk, VA
Pvt. John H. Holley, 18, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Leonardtown, MD; disability discharge 9-6-65 from loss of right leg by amputation
Pvt. Charles T. Jones, 22, Petersburg, VA; Norfolk, VA; disability discharge 11-22-64 from gunshot to right thumb rendering necessary its amputation
Pvt. Robert Major, 23, Prince George Co., VA; Norfolk, VA
Sgt. Henry Mercer, 23, Currituck Co., NC; Norfolk, VA; disability discharge 7-3-65 from gunshot wound to left shoulder
Pvt. Alfred Perkins, 24, Currituck Co., NC; Norfolk, VA
Pvt. Isaac Perkins, 23, Currituck Co., NC; Norfolk, VA
Pvt. Oliver Randall, 21, Prince George Co., VA; Norfolk, VA; disability discharge 12-12-65 from gunshot wound to right hand
Pvt. Carey Taylor, 20, Currituck Co., NC; Norfolk, VA
Pvt. William Tinsley, 25, Hanover Co., VA; Norfolk, VA
Wounded Survived – Co. D
2nd Lt. Samuel B. Bancroft, 32, formerly of 117th New York Infantry and Sgt. 15th Invalid Corps, gunshot wound to the right hip. “He crawled forward on his hands and knees, waving his sword and calling on the men to follow.” Disability discharge 4-16-65
Sgt. Miles Butt, 21, Norfolk Co., VA; New Bern, NC
Pvt. John Dickerson, 25, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Great Mills, MD
Pvt. Benedict Dorsey, 25, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Great Mills, MD
Pvt. James C. Dyson, 21, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Plowden’s Wharf, MD
Pvt. James Ebb, 28, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Great Mills, MD; disability discharge 6-18-65 for gunshot wound of right forearm fracturing radius
Pvt. Stephen James, 38, Craven Co., NC; New Bern, NC
Corp. John Leslie, 27, VA; Norfolk, VA; disability discharge 3-10-65 for compound fracture of left thigh causing shortening of limb to the extent of three inches and gunshot wound to finger of left hand
Corp. Richard Mills, 23, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Plowden’s Wharf, MD; disability discharge 6-15-65
Corp. Daniel Morgan, 21, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Great Mills, MD
Pvt. Dennis Thomas, 20, St. Mary’s Co., MD, St. Mary’s Co., MD
Wounded Survived – Co. E
Pvt. Frank Barnes, 19, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Great Mills, MD
Pvt. James Barnes, 26, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Leonardtown, MD
Pvt. Jeremiah Borum, 35, Middlesex Co., VA; New Market, VA
Pvt. William Forrest, 20, Matthews Co., VA; New Market, VA
Corp. March Hughes, 24, Camden Co., NC; New Bern, NC; disability discharge 6-29-65 from effects of a severe flesh wound. The ball entered over spine of left scapula and made its exit on right side of neck midway between head and shoulder
Pvt. William Jarvis, 20, Middlesex Co., VA; New Market, VA; disability discharge 7-18-65 from gunshot wound to left ankle
Pvt. John Olmstead, 20, Matthews Co., VA; New Market, VA
Pvt. Richard Preston, 21, Hampton, VA; Portsmouth, VA; disability discharge 9-6-65 from loss of left arm by amputation
Pvt. William Henry Roberts, 24, Isle of Wight Co., VA; Smithfield, VA
Pvt. Joseph Stars, 19, Hampton, VA; Norfolk, VA
Pvt. John Statesman, 19, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Leonardtown, MD
Sgt. Lewis Stone, 29, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Leonardtown, MD
Pvt. Ignatius Summerville, 30, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Leonardtown, MD; disability discharge 4-27-65 from gunshot wound to left wrist joint and thumb and fingers of left hand
Wounded Survived – Co. F
Pvt. James L. Caceen, 35, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Leonardtown, MD
Pvt. Jack Cooper, 22, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Milestown, MD
Pvt. Henry Curtis, 19, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Leonardstown, MD
Pvt. George Hill, 23, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Milestown, MD
Pvt. James Matley, 19, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Leonardstown, MD
Pvt. Isaac Norfleet, 16, Chowan Co., NC; Norfolk, VA
2nd Lt. Joseph C. Richardson, 38, Chicopee, MA; Norfolk, VA; disability discharge 3-9-65
Sgt. John Scott, 42, Leonardtown, MD; Leonardtown, MD
Pvt. Robert Swan, 26, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Point Lookout, MD
Pvt. Joseph Welling, 18, Southampton Co., VA; Norfolk, VA
Sgt. Daniel Wilson, 42, Currituck Co., NC; Norfolk, VA; disability discharge 10-13-65 from gunshot wound to face fracturing lower maxillary (jaw) bone making talking difficult and incapable of chewing food
Corp. James A. Wilson, 21, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Norfolk, VA
Wounded Survived – Co. G
Pvt. Levi Collins, 21, Nansemond Co., VA; Norfolk, VA; gunshot wound to left thigh/hip
Corp. John Garner, 39, St. Mary’s Co., MD; Great Mills, MD; disability discharge 7-11-66 from gunshot wound to right maxilla (lower jawbone) resulting in neuralgia
This list was not produced in attempt to sensationalize the pain these men suffered, but rather to acknowledge the sacrifices they were willing to endure to ensure the death of slavery, show themselves men worthy of citizenship and thus the guarantees of the Constitution, and to maintain the Union of the states. It is also hoped that this list will help descendants make connections with their ancestors. Courageously done 38th!