Soldier Casualties Of The 22nd USCI
During the Civil War, the 22nd United States Colored Infantry (USCI) earned one of the finest battle records among African American regiments. They performed wonderfully in the June 15, 1864, fighting at Baylor’s Farm, as well as that day’s ensuing assaults on the Petersburg defenses. Later, while manning the trenches, they came under heavy artillery and musket fire on July 30 that resulted in a number of casualties. The regiment also served dangerous and arduous duty at the Dutch Gap canal project where they lost several soldiers. The 22nd USCI fought bravely at the Battle of New Market Heights on September 29, and the following day at Chaffin’s Farm, stubbornly holding the captured ground. On October 27, at the Battle of Fair Oaks, they again endured high casualties doing their duty. It was for their courageous actions at these battles and for their exemplary discipline that the 22nd received the honor of participating in President Lincoln’s funeral procession.
Although the 22nd USCI was not part of the two main attacking brigades at the Battle of New Market Heights, they did serve initially as skirmish support on the left of those assaults, and then they led their own brigade’s attack against the Confederate earthwork line. In doing so they suffered significant casualties. Searching through the soldiers’ compiled service records for the regiment, I was able to gather a list of the men killed in action, fatally wounded, and those wounded who survived. I have included their rank, name, company, age at enlistment, place of birth, place of enlistment, and any additional information provided from their service records.

Image From Library of Congress
Killed in Action:
Pvt. Joseph H. Brown, Co. H, 25, Burlington Co., NJ; Philadelphia, PA; “is short sighted and obliged to wear glasses”
Sgt. James Lea (Lee), Co. K, 29, Delaware, NJ; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. Jesse Ryer, Co. I, 20, New York, NY; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. Carney Saunders, Co. H, 30, Allentown, NJ; Philadelphia, PA
Corp. Obadiah Treford, Co. G, 25, Virginia; Waterford, NJ
Pvt. Elias Tucker, Co. D, 25, Lancaster County, PA; Lancaster, PA
Fatally Wounded:
Pvt. Joshua Brown, Co. G, 25, Burlington Co., NJ; Medford, NJ; died on 10-9-1864 from gunshot wounds of left thigh and testicles
Pvt. Benjamin Folk, Co. B, 18, Unknown; Philadelphia, PA; died on 10-6-1864 from gunshot wound through right lung
Pvt. Wilson Howard, Co. E, 18, Washington Co., PA; New Brighton, PA; died on 12-28-1864 from wounds received in action
Pvt. Alfred James, Co. K, 35, Phillips, NJ; Philadelphia, PA; died on 10-11-1864 from gunshot wound through left thigh
Pvt. Peter Thompson, Co. E, 28, Bergen, NJ; Philadelphia, PA; died on 10-22-1864 from gunshot wounds received September 29, 1864
Wounded Survived – Co. A
Corp. John Q. Adams, 19, Salem Co., NJ; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. William H. Conover, 34, Monmouth Co., NJ; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. William Mott, 25, Atlantic County, NJ; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. Edward Spencer, 19, Salem Co., NJ; Philadelphia, PA
Wounded Survived – Co. B
Pvt. Alton Cooper, 23, Woods, DE; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. John Hall, 26, Chester Co., MD; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. Charles Jackson, 21, Unknown; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. Isaac Van Dorn, 18, Hunterdon Co., NJ; Philadelphia, PA; disability discharge for gunshot wound to right knee
2nd Lt. Oliver M. Knight, 25, New Hampshire; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. Edward McGraw, 18, Lewiston, PA; Lancaster, PA
Wounded Survived – Co. C
Pvt. Jeremiah Betts, 21, Wilmington, DE; Wilmington, DE; gunshot wound right thigh
Wounded Survived – Co. D
Pvt. John Harrison, 18, Edgefield Co., SC; Chambersburg, PA
Pvt. George Potts, 20, Cumberland Co., PA; Harrisburg, PA
Pvt. George Price, 26, New Castle Co., DE; Philadelphia, PA; disability discharge 8-17-1865 from loss of index finger and partial loss of use of left hand
Pvt. Alfred Scott, 19, Williamsport, PA; Pittsburgh, PA; disability discharge 11-8-1865 from gunshot wound to left wrist
Sgt. Greenberry Stanton, 22, Gettysburg, PA; Philadelphia, PA
Wounded Survived – Co. E
Pvt. John Griffin, 24, Kent Co., DE; Philadelphia, PA
Wounded Survived – Co. F
None found
Wounded Survived – Co. G
Pvt. George W. Brown, 27, Camden Co., NJ; Centre, NJ; loss of sight in left eye and injury to face due to gunshot wound; disability discharge 5-17-1865
Pvt. Theodore Buck, 23, Burlington Co., NJ; Lamberton, NJ
Sgt. Joshua Champion, 24, Philadelphia, PA; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. John C. Davis, 26, Kent Co., DE; Stockton, NJ
Pvt. Vincent Henderson, 35, Clarke Co., VA; Chambersburg, PA; wounded in left arm and right side; disability discharge 5-18-1865
Pvt. James Johnson, 30, Martinsburg, VA; Carlisle, PA
Pvt. William Luff, 21, Kent Co., DE; Stockton, NJ
Pvt. George Morgan, 20, Warren County, OH; McKeesport, PA
Corp. John Myers, 18, Cumberland Co., PA; Mechanicsburg, PA
1st Sgt. Edward Stoner, 29, Franklin Co., PA; McKeesport, PA
Pvt. John W. Winters, 24, Queen Ann Co., MD; Stockton, NJ
Pvt. John Wright, 35, Baltimore, MD; Carlisle, PA
Wounded Survived – Co. H
None found
Wounded Survived – Co. I
None found
Wounded Survived – Co. K
Pvt. John Brown, 19, Carroll Co., MD; Lancaster, PA
Sgt. Charles Cox, 19, Cape May, NJ; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. Ezekiel T. Jones, 24, Monroe, NJ; Philadelphia, PA
Pvt. Jerard Penn, 25, Deptford, NJ ;Philadelphia, PA; disability discharge 1-11-1866 from gunshot wound fracturing left tibia
Sgt. John Turnpenny, 27, Harrison, NJ; Philadelphia, PA
Six killed in action, five fatally wounded, and thirty-four wounded. This list was not produced in attempt to sensationalize the pain these men suffered, but rather to acknowledge the sacrifices they were willing to endure to ensure the death of slavery, show themselves men worthy of citizenship and thus the guarantees of the Constitution, and to maintain the Union of the states. It is also hoped that this list will help descendants make connections with their ancestors. Courageously done 22nd!